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Generate FMU from an OpenFOAM case

    pip install fmu4foam

creating an FMU from OpenFOAM is simple and similar to the libary PythonFMU which is achieved with just one line:

    fmu4foam build -f TempControl.py -of OfCase/ --no-external-tool

OpenFOAM modifications

As in the previous method, we extend OpenFOAM with the additional libraries and add the following lines to the system/controlDict:

// loads addtional input and output function/class
// e.g. new boundary conditions.

// includes the file system/simulationParameters in the controlDict
// and enables the definition of Variables marked with a $ 
// only look in the current directory and is short for:
// #include "<case>/system/simulationParameters"
#include "simulationParameters" 

        type            FMUController; // execute functionObjects FMUController
        libs            (FMUController); // load "libFMUController.so"
        host            $host; // connect to ip specified in simulationParameters
        port            $port; // connect to port specified in simulationParameters

the controlDict specifies two variables: host and port that need to be specified in the system/simulationParameters:

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  v2012                                 |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    location    "system";
    object      simulationParameters;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

host            ""; // defines host 
port            8000; // defines port
STDGRAD         Gauss linear;
STDLAP          Gauss linear uncorrected;
writeInterval   0.1;

// ************************************************************************* //

The host and port variable are specified in the FMU generation base class.

  • host -> connect to other computer
  • port -> port on that computer
  • outputPath -> extract dir of the OpenFOAM Case
  • oscmd -> name of the system command (enables exectuion on docker or wsl for windows users in the future)
  • arguments -> additional parameters for the Allrun script e.g. source environment in script

NOTE: The host variable needs to be quoted. To achieve this, we define it with two qoutes ‘“Name of the Variable”’. The other variables require no specific highlighting.

class OF2Fmu(Fmi2Slave):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        #local host aka this computer
        self.host = '""' # Note the double quotes
        self.port = 8000 # port see above
        self.outputPath = "OFCase" # extract path relative to FMU
        self.oscmd = "bash -i" # system command to execute the Allrun 
        # additional parameters for the Allrun script
        # of2012 to source the enviroment in the Allrun script
        self.arguments = "" 
            causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))
             causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))
            causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))
            causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))
            causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))

FMU generation input file

The last part in the generation of the FMU is a python file specified after -f TempControl.py:

from pythonfmu.variables import Boolean
from FMU4FOAM import Fmi2Causality, Fmi2Variability, Real, Boolean , Integer, String
from FMU4FOAM import OF2Fmu

class TempControl(OF2Fmu):

    author = "John Doe"
    description = "A simple description"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        # Input Output variable
        self.Qin = 0.0
        self.dTout = 0.0
        self.Tout = 298.0
        self.host = '""' # overwrite the ip
        self.outputPath = "Testing" # will extract the OfCase files in Testing

        self.register_variable(Real("Qin", causality=Fmi2Causality.input))
        self.register_variable(Real("dTout", causality=Fmi2Causality.output))
        self.register_variable(Real("Tout", causality=Fmi2Causality.output))

        # Parameters
        self.writeInterval = 1.0 # changes outputInterval of the solver
        self.STDLAP = "Gauss linear corrected" # possiblity to change discreization
        self.STDGRAD = "pointCellsLeastSquares" # possiblity to change discreization

            causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))
            causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))
            causality=Fmi2Causality.parameter, variability=Fmi2Variability.tunable))

The FMU standard defines three relevant causalities:

  • input -> input parameters that change in time (assume to be REAL aka floats)
  • output -> output parameters that change in time (assume to be REAL aka floats)
  • parameter -> set at the start of the simulation and does not change (strings, float, interges, boolean)

NOTE: FMI standard 2.0 only allows for scalar data transfer but does not support data fields so an OpenFOAM vector would be 3 input variables (This will change in FMI 3.0)

In the example above we specify following causalities:

  • input:
    • Qin
  • input:
    • Tout
    • dTout
  • parameter
    • writeInterval
    • STDLAP
    • host (from base class)
    • port (from base class)
    • outputPath (from base class)
    • oscmd (from base class)
    • arguments (from base class)

These parameters can be modified before running the FMU for example with the fmpy by calling

python -m fmpy.gui TempControl.fmu
Display in Fmpy GUI